Have you recently written or received a Dear Seller letter, or are you currently in the process of buying or selling a home? If so, please consider participating in this research.

Three ways to participate:

1. Questionnaire: If you have written or received a Dear Seller letter, please share a digital copy of the letter with the research team (2 minutes). All identifying information will be redacted, and participants will remain anonymous. Additionally, we are inviting participants to answer a few questions about the ‘love letter’ and its role in their homebuying experience (5-10 minutes). These extra details will help us better understand the role these letters play in US housing markets. Participants can skip any question that they prefer not to answer and can terminate their participation at any time while completing the questionnaire.

2. Interviews: Interviews with homebuyers, sellers, real estate agents and other housing stakeholders will explore the role of the Dear Seller letter in homebuying. Interviews will take approximately 30-60 minutes and will be conducted at a time and location (in-person or online) that is convenient for the participant. Participants can skip any question they prefer not to answer or terminate their participation at any time during the interview. Please contact the Project Team if you are interested in participating.

3. Observations: Observations of the experience of buying or selling a home will enable the researchers to better understand the role that Dear Seller letters may be playing in the homebuying process. Before observations occur, every person present will be asked to confirm that they consent to the observation, and anyone can withdraw their consent at any time during the observation. Please contact the Project Team if you are interested in participating.

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